To Go Matte or Glossy Surface: The Age-old Debate About High Gloss Acrylic Door Panel and Super Matt Door Panel
Up until a while ago, a kitchen would be associated to a place you just cook and prepare your meals in, however modern-day kitchens are used for a variety of purposes, including eating, cooking, and entertaining, hosting guests or just serving as a common meeting ground.
So, if you’re designing a kitchen for yourself or someone else, you want it to be functional, beautiful, stylish and a warm place that nurtures relationships. From the wide range of materials available to you, you need to choose the right type of kitchen doors front, from what Singapore’s interior design industry has to offer you, to suit your needs and your style best, this will ensure not only the best finish to your kitchen but also a sense of independence and autonomy over your space.
When buying kitchen cabinets, you are already aware that you need to consider size, material, style and colors. What about its finish, though? Have you considered whether you will opt for a matte finish (PerfectMatt Melame Panel) or glossy cabinets (Vivid High Gloss Acrylic Panel)?
Made for Matte (The PerfectMatt Melame Door Panel)
It is now an enormous home and interior design fad to finish up our furniture with a matte style, some prefer this on their cars as well as they are absolute fans of the matte finish world. Mattes can be understood as materials having a usually dull and roughened appearance, as of metals, paint, paper or glass.
It mutes the environment like no other, providing a minimal look considered chic and contemporary, enhancing the minimalist look that you might be going for. The great part is that due to its muted appearance, imperfections such as scratches are less obvious and visible to the naked eye. Some top range Matte finishes (PerfectMatt Melame Door Panel) also come with anti-finger print and anti-bacterial surfaces.
The way this works is that Matte or flat finishes add richness to interiors as they diffuse light falling on surfaces. If you need texture, matte finish should be your choice. Since there is no reflection of light, there is an increased colour consistency throughout the furniture, making the colour appear smoother and even. Due to this feature, matte textures are suited for a darker aesthetic.
Since Matte surfaces do not reflect light but absorb it. So, before you choose dark matte colours for your room, remember that they may make rooms look smaller, hence it is not advisable if the space you are trying to incorporate the texture in is already small in size to begin with.
Going for the Gloss (The Vivid High Gloss Acrylic Door Panel)
May it be a shiny lip or car or tiles, the shine delivered by high gloss surfaces is like no other. Glossy being on the other end of the spectrum, it is a reflective or shiny surface that has a satiny look to it.
As they (Vivid High Gloss Acrylic Panel) reflect light so they are great for smaller spaces, as they make any space appear larger than it is. These eye illusions might seem redundant and small, but they make a large difference in the long run. The down side is that since they reflect so much light, smudges, fingerprints and scratches are more noticeable than they are on matte kitchen furniture.
Although the blemish might be tiny and not grave at all, even the smallest of blemish is super evident. Hence these finishes require more maintenance and cleaning in order to keep on looking great. Saying this, the cleaning part is not that hard.
Given that the surfaces are very smooth, the same annoying blemishes which keep on appearing become easy to clean and maintain. So either the homeowner steers clear of fingerprints and scratches or keeps an eye out to clean it.
If you’ve opted to go for a bold colour for your kitchen or any other space in your home, it must be a given that the finish ought to be glossy. These surfaces bring out the true colour of the material and make it look vibrant like no other.
Only gloss would make sense in this case because you wouldn’t want the pop of your orange cupboard to die down with a matte finish. From our experience we have culminated that often, glossy finishes look good only in modern settings and not so much in traditional ones.
Through this article, the pros and cons of either of the materials would have become more apparent. It is hence on the homeowner to first decide the design aesthetic of their home and curate each furniture piece in accordance and consistency to that. Making an informed choice is crucial when it comes to your home’s renovation since many decisions taken can be irreversible.
So, after knowing these facts, we ask you again, matte vs glossy, who’s for the win?